Tuesday, March 29, 2011


ah yes, another baby for the farm, this time from the formidable queen herself, Miss Piggy, aka Kentucky Ranger (on her "birth certificate").

Miss Piggy was aptly named due to her amazing appetite and, due to her huge bulk, is able to claim most of any feed situation, even if it entails standing sideways across a feeder, blocking access to any and all who dare get near, just in case she cannot have enough to eat....which of course, is never the case. She is also a master at stockpiling hay, pushing as much as possible (for later) at one guarded end of the feeder, and helping herself to whatever else she can eat in the meanwhile.

Why do I go into such detail about a particular cows eating habits you may wonder? Does this woman have a life? you may ask?

Well......this is why........Miss Piggy had a very big miniature Hereford bull calf! I have read where the mothers nutrition level can and does affect the size and health of the calf, and let me tell you, they are right! This boy is big for a baby!

Now he will grow up to be a fine miniature Hereford bull, and as far as I can tell, he is polled as well as all the other Hawkeye offspring, but boy, what a big little dude he is! And Miss Piggy had him all by herself in the barn early this morning. Little Onyx, same sire, was tiny, a fine little calf for a first calf heifer, and no problem at all.

More on this later, along with some pictures as soon as he dries off and looks adorable - normal in a day or so. Until then, more hay for the mom, some TLC, and a really nice little bull - brother for Onyx to keep company with this summer!

Picture of Miss Piggy, summer pasture grass - fat.

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